Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Regardless of how you get your business leads- through referrals and word-of-mouth or by launching a marketing campaign- you should have a well-defined sales process that every customer goes through to ensure consistency and a strong customer experience.

Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Branding: Brand Collateral 101

Brand collateral includes the physical assets you have for your company that you put your branding on. It is all of the materials (pens, t-shirts, folders, etc.) that you get branded that you may use to give to prospects, new customers and to your employees. Brand collateral is used in home services to create a better and more professional customer experience.

Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Branding: Your Company Website 101

In today’s digital world, having a website in the home services space is essential to running a successful business. In fact, according to a recent survey, 94% of consumers don’t trust a company with an outdated website. If you plan on running any digital marketing to grow your business, a website is essential to generating leads online.

Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Digital Marketing: Social Media 101

Social Media is used to increase brand awareness, add a human tone to your brand, enhance your customer experience, stay in front of your customers, generate new customers and boost sales.

Business Basics: Sales Handling 101

Branding: Your Company Brand 101

Your company brand is more than just a logo, website and getting some signs created. In the home services space, your brand represents who you are, why you are different, how you go about your business and your reputation.